1. It is forbidden to publish any pornographic, violent, racist, illegal or another way inappropriate content or content that harms other people
2. It is forbidden to threaten, harass, abuse, impersonate or intimidate other users
3. Zatter reserves the right to delete any content which is questionable and remove users if they publish forbidden, offensive, or unlawful content or behave disrespectfully or violate user terms. Zatter has the right to define what kind of content or behavior is questionable, inappropriate or harmful. Zatter does not have to give a notice before deleting content or users.
4. Users are responsible for their own user profile and all the content they post under their user profile
5. Users are responsible for remembering their password and user name
6. Users are allowed to use only their own phone number, when registering to Zatter
7. It is forbidden to transmit viruses or worms or any destructive code in Zatter
8. Zatter reserves the right to terminate or modify its service whenever, without giving a notice
9. Zatter reserves the right to alter these user terms at any time
10. Zatter reserves the right to reclaim usernames on behalf of individuals or business who have trademark on those usernames
11. Zatter reserves the right to demand users to change their usernames for any reason
12. By publishing any content on Zatter, user grants Zatter a non exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide, limited license to use, modify, royalty-fee, delete from, add to, publicly perform, publicly display reproduce and translate such content, without limitation distributing part or all of the site in any media formats through any media channels